Thrive meaning spanish
Thrive meaning spanish

thrive meaning spanish

It is from a Scandinavian source, like the Old Norse þrifask. According to Etymonline, this word has been used since the 13th century. You can also find many different translations in things like a Spanish dictionary, German dictionary, Italian dictionary 1st edition, English-Spanish medical dictionary, French electronic resource and more! See if you can figure out the translations of the following: расцветать prosperovať uspevati imati, prospera набираться сил, tierra del fuego, compound ascidiae, 兴旺, prosperar kosuma, tarpti augt, dafna prosperare, tampak sehat, ευδοκιμώ crecer mucho, blomstre dobrze się rozwijać desenvolver, zelt berkembang maju gedijen, crecer muy bien, gli fa bene, napredovati növekszik makin kuat, crescere 栄える 무럭무럭 자라다 klestėti, gedy ينْجَح, bien profiter, chiloe, يَزْدَهِر процъфтявам desenvolver-se prospívat gedeihen, rasti, corallines, plaukt, crustacea, αναπτύσσομαι, ˈθrəʊv, fucus, thrĭv, frodas, prospérer, trivas, blomstra, ottimo, utvecklas.

thrive meaning spanish

Portuguese: prosperar‎, desenvolver-se‎.Czech: prospívat‎ (impf), prosperovat‎ (impf).These are formed when two words have the same root or language of origin. Cognates are when two words in different languages look and sound similar to each other and also have a similar meaning. You may notice that in this list of translations of thrive from Word Sense, many of these words look and sound similar to one another. Many different languages also contain words that mean thrive (thrīv). If someone is thriving, they are doing very well. According to Collins English Dictionary, the word Thrive is a verb that means to prosper or flourish.

Thrive meaning spanish